data structure important questions unit 2
Data Structure Notes

Data Structure Imporatnt Questions from Unit 2

Data Structure Imporatnt Questions from Unit 2

Data Structure Important Questions asked from first unit are given in this tutorial. In this tutorial we have discussed the important topics and subtopics data structure first unit as per AKTU Data Structure Subject Syllabus.

 Data Structure Second Unit Topics and Subtopics

As per AKTU Data Structure Syllabus various topics and subtopics to be learn in second unit are given below –

 Students have to Prepare following topics and subtopics in UNIT 2 as per AKTU Syllabus

  1. Stack Data Structure

1.1 Introduction of Stack

1.2 Application of Stack

1.3 Array Implementation of Stack

1.4 Linked List Implementation of Stack

2 Expression Conversion

steps and Algorithm to convert

2.1 Infix to postfix

2.2 Infix to Prefix

2.3 Prefix to Postfix

2.4 Prefix to infix

2.5 Postfix to prefix

2.6 postfix to infix

3. Problem Based on Expression Conversion Infix to postfix and Infix to prefix.

4. Problem based on Evaluating postfix expression


5.1 Introduction of recursion and its application

5.2 What is Taile Recursion ? example

5.3 Factorial , fibonacci series using recursion.

5.3 Binary Search Using recursion

5.4  Solution of Tower of hanoi problem with example, recursive algorithm and program in c.

6 Queue Data Structure

6.1 Introduction of Queue and It’s Applications.

6.2 Array Implementation of Queue ( Insertion, Deletion, display)

6.3 Linked List Implementation of Queue ( Insertion , Deletion , display)

6.4 Circular Queue Implementation using Array

6.5 Circular Queue Implementation using Linked List

6.6 Definition or introduction, application of  Priority queue.

6.7 Introduction of Double ended Queue.(Dequeue)

Data Structure Important Questions

Data Structure Important Questions asked from Unit 2 are given below –

Various Questions asked from first unit of Data Structure in 2 marks are given below .

2 Marks Questions

Q1. Write condition to check Stack is Empty and FULL.

Q2. Which Data Structure is used to perform recursion and why ? [ AKTU 2022-23]

Q3. Write the condition for full and empty circular queue [ AKTU  2022 -23, 2017-18]

Q4.List Various Operations on Linked List [ AKTU 2019-20]

Q5. Give Some Application of Stack [ AKTU 2019-20]

Q6. Explain Tail Recursion. [ AKTU 2019-20, 2021-22]

Q7. Define Priority Queue. Give One Application of Priority Queue [ AKTU 2019-20].

Q8. What is Recursion? Give disadvantages of recursion [AKTU 2018-19].

Q9.Convert into its equivalent   postfix [ AKTU 2017-18]


7 marks Questions


Q1. What is Stack ? Write a program for Linked List Implementation of Stack         [ AKTU 2022-23]

Q2. What is Recursion? Write a C program to calculate factorial of number using recursive and non- recursive functions [ AKTU 2021-22]

Q3. (i)Design a method for keeping two stacks within a single linear array so that   neither stack overflow until all the memory is used.

(ii) Write a C program to reverse a string using stack [ AKTU 2021-22]

Q4. (i) Differentiate between iteration and recursion

(ii) Write the recursive solution of tower of Hanoi problem   [ AKTU 2019-20]

Q5.Discuss array and Linked List representation of Queue data Structure. What is Dequeue? [ AKTU 2019-20].

Q6. Consider the following infix expression and convert into reverse polish notation ( Postfix) using stack. A + (B * C – (D / E ^ F) * H) [ AKTU 2018-19]

Q7 .Explain Tower of Hanoi problem and write a recursive algorithm to solve it.                             [ AKTU 2018-19]

Q8. Explain how a circular queue can be implemented using arrays. Write all functions for circular queue operations. [ AKTU 2018-19]

Q9.  Write an algorithm to insert a node at the end in a Circular linked list [AKTU2017-18]

Q10. Write a recursive and non recursive program to calculate the factorial of the given number.[AKTU 2017-18]

Q11. What is Circular Queue ? Write code to insert a new element in circular Queue.

Q12. Write an algorithm to convert infix to postfix. Convert the given expression into postfix. [ AKTU 2022-23]

A + ( B * C – ( D/E ^ F) * G ) * H

Q13. Write a C program to implement the array representation of circular queue [AKTU 2016-17]

Conclusion and Summary

Data Structure important questions from second unit which are generally asked in AKTU examination are discussed here in this tutorial. I hope this tutorial will be beneficial for the students for preparing first unit.

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