logical address and physical address in operating system
Operating System Operating System Study material

Logical Address and Physical Address in Operating System

Logical Address and Physical Address in Operating System

Logical Address and Physical address in Operating System play an important role in finding the instructions or data required by the CPU.

In this tutorial we are covering the concepts of logical address and physical address in operating system.

Questions based on logical address and physical address are also asked in GATE and UGC NET examination.

Frequently Asked Questions

Some frequently asked questions based on logical address and physical address are given below-

  • What is Logical Address in OS ?
  • What is Physical Address in OS ?
  • What is the difference between logical and physical address in OS ?
  • What is Logical Address Space ?
  • What is Physical Address Space ?
  • What is Memory Management Unit ?

After reading this tutorial you will be able to answer the questions given above.

What is Logical Address ?

  • Logical Address is the address generated by the CPU when a program is under execution.
  • Logical address is also known as Virtual Address. This is the address of instructions or data used by the program.
  • Logical address is just like a reference which is used to access Physical Memory Location By the CPU.

What is Logical Address Space ?

Set of all Logical addresses generated by the CPU in context to a program is known as Logical address space.

What is Physical Address ?

  • Physical address is the actual address of data or instruction where it is stored in memory.
  • Physical address can not be access directly by the user but user can calculate the physical address with the help of logical address.
  • Logical address generated by the CPU is mapped to physical address to fetch the data or instruction.

What is Physical Address Space ?

The set of all physical addresses corresponding to all Logical Addresses generated by the CPU is known ad Physical Address Space.

What is memory Management Unit ?

Memory Management Unit in Computer System is responsible for the following-

• Hardwarе dеvicе that maps virtual address tο physical addrеss
• In MMU schеmе, thе valuе in thе rеlοcatiοn rеgistеr is addеd tο еvеry addrеss gеnеratеd by a usеr prοcеss at thе timе it is sеnt tο mеmοry
• Thе usеr prοgram dеals with lοgical addrеssеs; it nеvеr sееs thе rеal physical addrеssеs.

Basic Diagram for Logical address to physical address mapping is ash shown in following figure.

logical address and physical address in operating system

Memory management Unit is Mapping Logical Address to Physical Address by adding the value of relocation register.

Conclusion and Summary

We have explained the meaning of logical address, physical address, logical address space and physical address space and memory management unit here in this tutorial.

I hope after reading this tutorial students will able able to answer the topic related questions.

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