C Programming Interview Questions
c programming interview questions

Top 100 C Programming Interview Questions

Top 100 C Programming Interview Questions 

C Programming is one of the fundamental subject of computer science branch. C Programming Interview Questions are generally asked all most in every technical interview. In this tutorial we have discussed various C Programming Interview Questions asked in technical interview.

We have divided these questions in three section. These c programming interview questions will be also be beneficial for the students  preparing for GATE(CS/IT) /UGC NET  Exam.

 C Programming Short Interview Questions

Short types interview questions from C Programming are given below. These  C programming interview questions have been asked in Technical Interview of IT Company.

Q1. What is the need of assembler?

Q2.Write the names of four ‘C’ complier platforms (offline).

Q3. Give one example of static storage class and write the use if static keyword.

Q4. What will happen if we pass two variables in which i.e. switch (i, j)?

Q5. Which is the least precedence operator and its associatively?

Q6.What is bodyless Loop? Also write the syntax.

Q7. How many return statements can be used with in a C Function?

Q8. Write three internal and external commands of UNIX.

Q9. Which operating system uses round robin scheduling technique and what is its concept?

Q10. What is the use of dot operator?

Q11. Write down any four keywords of C Language.

Q12. WAP in C to print 50 numbers in reverse order using do while loop.

Q13. Suppose and user wants to declare a function called hello, inside which he wants to print a message “HELLO” without passing any argument. How he should declare and define this function? (Write the code for function only).

Q14. Ram had some boxes numbered as 27,6,10,4,3. Now Ram wants to arrange these boxes in ascending order using bubble sort. Then how many number of passes required? Also perform bubble sorting.

Q15. How a character string is different from character array?

Q16. What is the role of Pointers in linked list?

Q17. What is ifdef ( ) and its use?

Q18. Explain the C command # include <conio.h>

Q19. What is the relevance and limitation of cache memory?

Q20. What are the different files used in a C program?

Q21. Write an example (code) of size of ( ) operator with output.

Q22. What is the difference between while and do while loop?

Q23. What are actual and formal arguments?

Q24. Explain the scenario where we need to define a function prototype in a program of C language.

Q25. What is Cache Memory?

Q26. What is nested loop?

Q27. Which operator has highest precedence and which operator has least precedence?

Q28. Define functions of operating system in short.

Q29. Define variable and keyword in C.

Q30. Define function prototype.

Q31. What are the formal arguments?

Q32. What do you mean by system software? Give any two examples.

Q33. What is an operating system? State two latest android operating system.

Q34. Write purpose and syntax & two iterative statements in C.

Q35. What is secondary memory? Give any two examples.

Q36. Give any four format specifier used in printf ( ) & scanf ( ) statements.

Q37. How many times the statement

  1. for ( i = 0, i <5; i++) ;
  2. will iterate? & why

Q38. State difference between High Level and Low Level Language.

c programming interview questions and answers pdf

Long Type C Programming Interview Questions

Long questions from C Programming Language asked in Various University Examinations are given below –

Q1. Explain the functions of operating system.  Also explain why operating system is called resource manager and an intermediary program.

Q2.  What is recursion and how is it different from normal functions?

Q3. Write the difference between break and continue statement. (Examples are compulsory)

Q4. Write and compare all the data types on the basis of range, size and format specifiers.

Q5. Write an algorithm to find the area of triangle and square.

Q6. Draw flowchart to find largest of two numbers.

Q7. Explain the concept of type conversion and type casting.

Q8. Write down the difference between break and continue with example.

Q9. Explain dynamic memory allocation & its methods.

Q10. Explain the fundamental data types in detail.

Q11. Draw a block diagram of computers and give the types of memory in detail.

Q12. Explain operator precedence and associatively in detail. WAP in C to check in C to check if a year is leap year or not.

Q13. A person is entering a three digit number on a machine. Now, software has to be build for that machine which can check if the entered number is same from left side and right side reading. Which concept should be used here, write a C program for that concept.

Q14. Explain difference between call by value & call by reference method. WAP to swap two numbers using call by reference.

Q15. Write a program in C to sort some numbers using selection sort.

Q16. Write a program in C to print sum of diagonal elements (a11, a22, a33) of a matrix.

Q17. Also write five functions of file handling.

(i)      Null Pointer,

(ii)     Pointer declarations.

(iii)    Preprocessors,

(iv)    Command line Argument.

Q18.  Draw the flowchart to print the sum of all digit of an entered number

Q19. Write an algorithm to print Floyd’s triangle.

Q20. What are the different types of functions? Also write the categories of user defined functions. with suitable examples.

Q21. Explain different types of ‘C’ errors.

Q22. Explain left shift and right shift operator. Also find the output of the given code

Q23. What are the differences between while & do-while loop? What is the role of break and continue in C programming.

Q24. What is flowchart? Draw a flowchart for calculate simple interest.

Q25. Describe the basic component of computer system with neat and clean block diagram.

Q26. Write an algorithm and ‘C’ program to given number is even or odd.

Q27. Define data types in C Discuss primitive data types in terms of memory occupied, format specifier and range.

Q28. What is structure of ‘C’ program? Write a program to calculate area of triangle.

Q29. Give the different type of memory and its importance.

Q30. What do you mean by precedence and associativity?  Give the output of following program:

void man (  )


int x = 5;

printf (“\n%d%d%d” x++, ++x,x–):


Q31.Differentiate between syntax errors and logic errors.

Q32. Draw a flow chart for arranging three number a, b and c in ascending order.

Q33. Write an algorithm and ‘C’ program to given year is a leap year or not.

Q34. What do you mean by precedence and associatively while solving some arithmetic expressions?

Q35. Draw the memory hierarchy diagram and explain types of memory in detail.

Q36. Define data types in C. Discuss primitive data types in terms of memory occupied, format specifier and range.

Q37.Differentiate assignment and equality operators in C.

Q38. Write an algorithm and ‘C’ program to swap two numbers.

Q39.What do you mean by a operating system and briefly describe its types.

Q40. Define digital computer and its components. Draw memory hierarchy diagram.

Q41. Explain difference between RAM & ROM.

Q42. What is type casting & type conversion? Write a program in C to print the numbers from 100 to 10 in decreasing order using loop.

Q43. Write the difference between Break and Continue. (Example is compulsory).

Q44. Covert the following:-

  • (1101101)2 = (?)10
  • (4567.25)8 = (?)2
  • (B67A)16= (? )10

Q45.   State various types of Bitwise operators? Explain any two of them.

Determine the value of x if (225)x = (341)8

Q46. Define Digital Computer with neat diagram? Also discuss the basic operations and functional components of computer?

Q47. What is an algorithm? Explain its notation and characteristics of an algorithm? Write the algorithm to swap two numbers.

Q48. What is operating system? Compare DOS, Windows and Android operating system. List five commands of UNIX?

Q49.Explain different data types in ‘C’. Also mention their size, range and format string?

Q50.What is flow chart and its advantages?  Draw a flow chart to find the largest number among three numbers?

Q51. Differentiate between complier and interpreter.

Q52. What is problem solving approach? Explain its framework.

Q53. What are Unary operators? Find the output of the following program code (no error is there) # include <stdio.h>

void main (  )


int i = 3;

printf (“% d % d % d”, i, ++i, i++);

printf (“ \n  % d”, i ++);


Q54. What is the difference between call by value and call by reference method? Explain.

Q55. What are different storage classes? Explain all types in detail.

Q56. What do you mean by system software? Give any two examples.

Q57. What is an operating system? State two latest android operating system.

Q58. Write purpose and syntax & two iterative statements in C.

Q59. What is secondary memory? Give any two examples.

Q60. Give any four format specifier used in printf ( ) & scanf ( ) statements.

Q61. How many times the statement

for ( i = 0, i <5; i++) ;

will iterate? & why

Q62.State difference between High Level and Low Level Language.

c programming interview questions and answers pdf

Program Based C Programming Interview Questions

Logic of some important programs are also asked in c programming during technical interview. Some commonly asked C programs  in technical interview are as follow

Q1. WAP in C to check if a number entered by user is an Armstong number on not. (Take input from user)

Q3. WAP in C to print sum and average of marks of five subjects of a student using function.

Q4. WAP in C to print fibonacci series upto ‘x’ terms.

Q5. WAP in C to print fibonacci series using recursion.

Q6. WAP in C to print the following patterns.






Q7. WAP in C to store details of 10 students where student’s name, roll number, phone number has to be stored. (using  Structure in C ).

Q8.WAP in C to check whether a number entered by user is Armstrong number or not.

Q9. WAP in C to read text from a file using file handling.

Q10.WAP in C to take  two operands and one operator from user and so perform the calculation. There must be atleast five different operations in the program.

Q11.WAP in C to find roots of a quadratic equation.

Q12. WAP in C to find factorial of a number using recursion.

Q13. WAP that accepts the temperature in centigrade and converts into Fahrenheit using the formula:  .

Q14. WAP in C to average subject of marks after taking input for five subjects.

Q16. Write a C program to calculate the area of parallelogram.

Q17. Write a program in C to find the factorial of a number using recursion.

Q18.WAP in C to find factorial of a number using recursion.

Important Notes – To know the answer of Theory Questions Students are advised to read these C Programming Tutorials

Conclusion and Summary

In this tutorial we have discussed top 100 c programming interview questions. I hope these questions will be beneficial for computer science students who are preparing for the interview to get a job in software industry.

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