DBMS dbms gate questions with answer gate practice set

DBMS Gate Questions : SQL Query Based [ Updated ]

DBMS gate questions are explained here in this tutorial with solution. These DBMS GATE Questions can be practice for gate exam preparation. These questions are asked in previous year GATE ( CS/IT ) Exam.
This tutorial covers the gate questions for dbms. This Tutorial also covers the questions based on sql queries for interviews.
Students Preparing for GATE(CS/IT) Exam are requested to attempt these questions. Similar types of SQL queries are also asked in Technical Interview for Software Developer post or Database Administrator Post.
sql queries examples with answers pdf

Frequently Asked Questions from SQL

After solving these dbms questions for gate exam practice computer science graduate will be able to understand the answer or implement the following SQL Queries.
  • How to use GROUP by and Having Clause in SQL ?
  • What is SUB Query in SQL and How to execute Sub Query?
  • How to use SELECT and WHERE Clause in SQL Query ?
  • How to use Entity Object in SQL Query?
Read the following statement and find the correct option.
P :  A query in Structural Query Language  can contain HAVING clause without having GROUP BY clause
Q : A  query in Structural Query Language can contain a HAVING clause only when GROUP BY clause is also there in query.
R : All attributes used in the GROUP BY clause must appear in the SELECT clause
S : No It is not necessary that all attributes used in the GROUP BY clause need to appear in the SELECT clause
a.P and R
b.P and S
c.Q and R
d.Q and S
Answer : C
Explanation : As per the SQL concepts option c is right but suppose if tak about execution of these sql query on different database . Let us take MYSQL then option B will also be right. What happend if  

If we use a HAVING clause without a GROUP BY clause in this situation  the HAVING condition applies to all rows that satisfy the search condition and in the result all rows that satisfy the search condition make up a single group.

A database table  named as Loan_Records is given below.

Borrower    Bank_Manager   Loan_Amount

 Ramesh      Sunderajan     10000.00
 Suresh      Ramgopal       5000.00
 Mahesh      Sunderajan     7000.00
What is the output of the following SQL query?
SELECT Count(*)
FROM  ( (SELECT Borrower, Bank_Manager
       FROM   Loan_Records) AS S
        NATURAL JOIN (SELECT Bank_Manager,
                      FROM   Loan_Records) AS T );
a.            3
b.            9
c.             5
d.            6
Answer: C

EXPLANATION: Result of first subquery will be Table S having the records -Borrower    Bank_Manager
Ramesh      Sunderajan
Suresh      Ramgqpal
Mahesh      Sunderjan Result of Second sub query will be table T having the records-Bank_Manager   Loan_Amount
Sunderajan      10000.00
Ramgopal        5000.00
Sunderjan       7000.00When Natural Join is performed on these two table S and  T the will After Join resultant table will have the following records Borrower  Bank_Manager   Load_Amount
Ramesh    Sunderajan     10000.00
Ramesh    Sunderajan     7000.00
Suresh    Ramgopal       5000.00
Mahesh    Sunderajan     10000.00
Mahesh    Sunderajan     7000.00
Here point to remember is that in natural join matching occur  on column name with same name.
Q.3. Suppose a table T has two
columns X and Y. Type of each column is integer. Once the table is created then
a record X=1, Y=1 is inserted in the table. If MX and My represent the respective maximum values of X and Y among
all records in the table at any instant of time. Using MX and MY, some new data is inserted in the table 128 times
with X and Y values being MX+1, 2*MY+1 respectively. It must be remember that
each time values of MX and MY change
after insertion. If following SQL query after the steps mentioned above is
carried out then what will be the output?
Answer: a

In order to understand the logic see Question no 30 for gate (cs/it) 2011 paper with solution here.


Given the following schema:
 employees(emp-id, first-name, last-name, hire-date, dept-id, salary)
 departments(dept-id, dept-name, manager-id, location-id)
Which of following query should be execute to display the last names and hire dates of all latest hires in their respective departments in the location ID 1700. You issue the:
SELECT last-name, hire-date
FROM employees
 WHERE (dept-id, hire-date) IN
  (SELECT dept-id, MAX(hire-date)
  FROM employees JOIN departments USING(dept-id)
  WHERE location-id = 1700
  GROUP BY dept-id);
What is the output?
a.            It executes but does not give the correct result
b.            It executes and gives the correct result
c.             generates an error because of pairwise comparison
d.            It generates an error because the GROUP BY clause cannot be used with table joins in a sub query.
Answer B

EXPLANATION :This query will generate the correct result because at first the inner query will return the last max hire date in every department located at id 1700. Then the outer query take the result of inner query and provide the correct result.

Consider the following relational schema for a train reservation database . Passenger (pid, pname, age) Reservation (pid, class, tid)
Table: Passenger
0 Sachin 65
1 Rahul 66
2 Sourav 67
3 Anil 69
Table : Reservation
pid class tid
0  AC  8200
1  AC  8201
2  SC  8201
5  AC  8203
1  SC  8204
3  AC  8202
What are the pids returned by the following SQL query for the above instance of the tables?
FROM Reservation ,
WHERE class ‘AC’ AND
WHERE age > 65 AND
Passenger. pid = Reservation.pid)
a.1, 0
b.1, 2
c.1, 3
d.1, 5
Answer : C


The inner query SELECT *

FROM Passenger
WHERE age > 65 AND

Passenger. pid = Reservation.pid) will return 4 tuples

1 AC 8201
2 SC 8201
1 SC 8204

3 AC 8202

Now the outer query  will select those tuple only which have the class AC , as a result Pid return will be 1 and 3 so Option C is correct.

A relational schema is given below:
Suppliers(sid:integer, sname:string, city:string, street:string)
Parts(pid:integer, pname:string, color:string)
Catalog(sid:integer, pid:integer, cost:real)
If the following sql query is executed for the above database:
SELECT S.sname
FROM Suppliers S
FROM Catalog C
FROM Parts P
WHERE P.color<> ‘blue’))
Suppose some records are inserted in the table. Then find out that which one of the following is the correct interpretation of the above query?
a.Find the names of all suppliers who have supplied a non-blue part.
b.Find the names of all suppliers who have not supplied a non-blue part.
c.Find the names of all suppliers who have supplied only blue parts.
d.Find the names of all suppliers who have not supplied only blue parts.
Answer: a
Take a table employee(empId, name, department, salary) and the two queries Q1 ,Q2 as given below.
Suppose that department 5 has more than one employee and we want to find the employees who get higher salary than anyone in the department 5, which one of the statements is TRUE for any arbitrary employee table?
Q1 : Select e.empId
From employee e
Where not exists
(Select * From employee s where s.department = “5” and
s.salary >=e.salary)
Q2 : Select e.empId
From employee e
Where e.salary > Any
(Select distinct salary From employee s Where s.department = “5”)
a.Q1 is the correct query
b.Q2 is the correct query
c.Both Q1 and Q2 produce the same answer
d.Neither Q1 nor Q2 is the correct query
Answer b
For the following two statements
S1: Declaration of a foreign key can always be replaced by an equivalent check assertion in SQL.
S2: Given the table R(a,b,c) where a and b together form the primary key, the following is a valid table definition.
The find the correct option among the following.
a. S1 is TRUE and S2 is FALSE
b. Both S1 and S2 are TRUE
c. S1 is FALSE and S2 is TRUE
d. Both S1 and S2 are FALSE
Answer : d
SQL allows tuples in relations and correspondingly defines the multiplicity of tuples in the result of joins. Which one of the following queries always gives the same answer as the nested query shown below.
select * from R where a in (select S.a from S)
a.select R.* from R, S where R.a=S.a (D)
b.select distinct R.* from R,S where R.a=S.a
c.select R.* from R,(select distinct a from S) as S1 where R.a=S1.a
d.select R.* from R,S where R.a=S.a and is unique R
Answer : C
There are three table  above tables A, B and C as given below
 Table A
Id   Name    Age
12   Arun    60
15   Shreya  24
99   Rohit   11
Table B
Id   Name   Age
15   Shreya  24
25   Hari    40
98   Rohit   20
99   Rohit   1
Table C
Id   Phone  Area
10   2200   02
99   2100   01
 Then determine the number of tuples  return in the result of the following SQL query.
WHERE  A.age > ALL (SELECT B.age   FROM   B
                    WHERE  B. name = “arun”);
a.            4
b.            3
c.             0
d.            1
Answer: B

Value of A.age should be greater than all the values return by the execution of subquery. When we look at table B then we found that there is no name as arun which is mentioned in the subquery. So this subquery will return NULL. So in this case condition become true for all the rows of table A. Hence correct answer is 3.
More questions will be updated soon….!
Note – Link for DBMS Notes for GATE exam is given below. These DBMS notes will be helpful for students in preparing the DataBase Management System Subject for GATE exam.

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