Computer network study material for gate Computer Networks gate study material for cse

Computer Networks Important Questions and Answers – Part1

Important Networking Questions and Answers

Hello, friends today in this Computer Science Study Material for GateI am going to discuss some conceptual important networking questions and answers. I hope that these questions and answers will be helpful to you to cover the theoretical aspect.
Q1. How does address resolution is performed in address resolution protocol ?
Answer:The table lookup approach to address resolution requires a data structure that contains information about address bindings. The table consists of an array. In this array every entry contains a pair [P, H] where P represent to protocol address and H is the hardware address. For each physical network an individual address binding table is used. Consequently, all IP addressesin a given table have the same prefix. This is how arp works.

Q2: What are  MIB variables?
Answer:MIB  variables are known as Management Information Base  variables. MIB is a set of named items that an SNMP agent understands.Some time it is also known as understanding snmp mibs. These MIB variables are fetch and store to manage the table. Because SNMP does not specify a set of MIB variables, the design is flexible. 

There are MIB variables that correspond to protocols like UDP, TCP, IP, and ARP, as well as MIB variables for network hardware such as Ethernet. In addition to simple variables such as integers that correspond to counters, a MIB can include a variable that corresponds to a table or an array.

Q3: How physical addressing is performed in WAN? 

Answer:WAN networks operate similarly to a LAN. WAN technology defines the exact frame format which is used by a computer when it sends and receives the data. When a computer is connected to a wide area network then a physical address is assigned to this computer. When sending a frame to another computer, the sender must supply the destination’s address.

Hierarchical addressing is also used by WAN. Advantage of hierarchical addressing is that it makes forwarding more efficient and better. Hierarchical addressing technique divides an address into multiple parts. The simplest techniques divides address into two parts. Where first part helps in identifying the packet switch and second part support to identifies computer attached to that packet switch.

Q4: What is CIDR?
Answer:CIDR stands for inter domain routing . CIDR is a new addressing technique used for the internet and it allows more efficient allocation of IP addresses that old class A, B, and C addressing scheme.

Instead of being limited to network identifier (or prefixes) of 8, 16, or 24 bits, CIDR currently uses prefixes anywherefrom 13 to 27 bits. Thus, the block of addresses can be assigned to a network as small as 32 hosts or to those with 500,000 hosts.

A CIDR address is also a standard 32- bit ip address and it also have the information about the bits used for the network prefix. For example consider a CIDR address here in this CIDR address the /25 indicates that the first 25 bits are used to identify unique network leaving the remaining bits to identify the specific host.

Q5: Does it make sense for two domain servers to contain exactly the same set of names? Why or why not? 

Answer:Yes. It is very advantageous for two domain servers containing the same set of names. If there is only one server than traffic on one server would be intolerable because it would be the only server to receive all the request and handle them appropriately. 

If there is more than one server containing the same set of data then geographically closet server will respond thus reducing the load on one server. Also if one server is down due to some problem then another server containing the same set of data can be used to fulfill the incoming requests.

I hope that this Study Material for gate Computer Science will be beneficial for computer science students. Later we will also discuss some other important questions in computer networks for gate cse exam.

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